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Wellington Primary School

English as an additional language

Statement of Commitment

This school is committed to making appropriate provision of teaching and resources for pupils for whom English is an Additional Language and in raising their achievement to meet their personal & National Curriculum targets.

The school identifies individual pupil’s needs & recognises the skills they bring to school and ensure equality of access to the curriculum.

At the present time 36 languages are spoken at our school by the pupils the staff & their families this presents a wide & diverse language community.

EAL Support

The EAL Department provides advice and support for mainstream staff -­ Teachers & Teaching Assistants within the school community.

Assessment and Target-­Setting

Statutory Assessment. The school ensures that all EAL pupils have access to statutory assessments, making full use of special arrangements including Home Language assessment when possible

EAL Assessment. The EAL Department supports staff in assessing the needs of EAL pupils, identifying pupils’ level of English.

Target Setting. The EAL Department ensures that appropriate targets and outcome are set for identified EAL pupils, in consultation with staff and these are set in line with LEA-­wide targets and regularly reviewed.

Teaching and Learning

Planning and Differentiation. The School provides a system for staff to share planning with support staff. Plans will identify the language demands of the current National Curriculum and provide differentiated learning opportunities matched to EAL pupil needs.

Staff training includes specific focus on the inclusion and particular challenges for EAL pupils.

EAL Resources. The School provides appropriate EAL teaching and learning materials to link to the class based curriculum. It resources the Multilingual Book Club to enhance the enjoyment of reading for the children with their parents and carers linked to the School’s Community Cohesion initiative.

The EAL Department provides advice and support for the mainstream staff -­ Teachers & Teaching Assistants within the school

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