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The Governing Body

Our governors work hard to fulfil their responsibilities to parents, children and staff.
They are fully informed of all aspects of school life and actively promote high
standards of care and achievement.
Wellington governors have a wide range of experience, skills and abilities. We are
able to draw on the expertise of the parent population as well as commercial

The governing body has many collective responsibilities. •Its main priority is to
oversee the education of the children; it works with the head teacher to ensure the
school is healthy and effective. Governors are drawn from four areas, elected
parents and teachers, local education authority nominees and people co-opted
from the local community.

  The full governing body meets once a term. Parents who give prior notification
may attend as observers, unless the governing body rules otherwise.

  Sub committees meet regularly and report back to the full governing body.
These sub committees include
Ÿ Pupils & curriculum
Ÿ Finance and premises
Ÿ Standards

The governing body is responsible for the production of an annual report to parents,
which outlines their work during the year. We send this to parents before the annual
parents meeting with governors.

Everyone has the right to be safe, happy, respected  5
and to be able to reach their full potential
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