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Wellington Primary School

Returning to School June 2020 - FAQ


Q. Who will be with my child most of the time?

A. We will try our best for your child to be with their own teacher or TA or another adult who knows them well.

Q. Will they be with their friends and usual teachers?

A. We will try our best for children to be with familiar children and adults.

Q. Will milk and / or fruit still be offered at EYFS and Year 1 and what about snacks?

A. Milk will continue and we will supply fruit for snacks. NO snacks from home will be allowed in school. Where there are special dietary requirements, please contact the school.

Q. What happens if my Year 1 or Reception child has a toilet accident?

A. Please bring in a sealed bag with a change of clothes for your child which can be kept on their peg for this emergency.

Q. Can I talk to the class teacher at the classroom door as usual?

A. No. Please contact the teacher through Google Classroom, Tapestry or via email. Parents will need to adhere to social distancing guidance and follow one way routes in and out of the school.

Q. Will school start and end at the same times?

A. There will be staggered starting and end times to ensure we minimise large groups of adults and children on site to reduce contact.

Q. What will happen with Home Learning?

A. Year R, 1 or 6 – home learning will continue for the time being, but maybe different as staff are being used to support the re-integration. This will discontinue when numbers increase to fuller capacity.

Year N, 2, 3, 4 & 5 – home learning will continue but these staff may not have the capacity to answer questions quickly, as all staff are being used to support the re-integration.

Q. Can my child wear a face mask?

A. We are not expecting children to wear face masks, as recommended by government guidelines – these are used to stop the person or child spreading their germs. If a child has symptoms- they should not be at school. We will not however say ‘no’ should you wish them to wear one. Although these will need to be changed or washed daily and ones they have worn to school should be handed back to their parent before entering the building.

Q. Will the staff be wearing face masks?

A. We are not expecting this but some staff may when be using public transport to get to and from school. Welfare staff and first aiders may use protective equipment, PPE, when dealing with injuries or unwell children.

Q. Do the children bring PE, book bags and snacks?

A. No, school will provide reading books for home. Children to wear PE kits on PE days. Pencil cases will be supplied by school, to remain in school. No snacks to be brought in from home. Packed lunches can be brought in but clearly labelled with the child’s name on them and disinfected each day at home.

Q. Can my child bring in a water bottle?

A. Water bottles should be brought in but clearly labelled.

Q. Can Year 6 bring their mobile phone in?

A. Yes, if absolutely required, but they will be kept in a zipped wallet and given back to the children at the end of the day.

Q. What is happening with school dinners?

A. School will provide a packed lunch to begin with although options will be limited. Parents should pay online in the normal way. Children may bring a packed lunch in from home which must be clearly labelled with their name and disinfected each day or in a disposable bag. The children will eat in their class bubble and will be kept separate from other children.

Q. Can I come into the office if I have a query?

A. Only in an emergency. All contact will be through telephone calls or email as much as possible. We are limiting adults coming onto the premises and ask that you phone or email as much as possible.

Q. What if my child is eligible but has siblings who are not?

A. The Government is asking that only certain year groups return after half-term in a controlled, considered and safe way. Unless those siblings are in a priority group, for example, the children of critical workers. The Government hopes that all primary school children can come back to school before the summer holidays, for some time if feasible, although this will be kept under review. Reducing the risks for children, parents and staff is of utmost priority.

Q. If my child is eligible, is it compulsory for them to attend school?

A. Parents need to make a decision based on the information available. You should notify your child’s school as normal if your child is unable to attend so that staff are aware.

Q. Should I keep my child at home if they have an underlying health condition or live with someone in a clinically vulnerable group?

A. Children who are considered extremely clinically vulnerable and shielding should continue to shield and should not be expected to attend. A minority of children will fall into this category, and parents should follow medical advice if their child is in this category. Children and young people who live in a household with someone who is extremely clinically vulnerable and shielding should not attend as stringent social distancing cannot be adhered to. It is very challenging to socially distance EYFS and Infant children, we will do our best to remind the children and put plans in place but the age of the pupils makes this difficult to achieve


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