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Wellington Primary School



This information sets out our school’s approach to promoting equality, as defined within the Equality Act (2010) which covers sex, race, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, pupils and staff members who are pregnant and those undergoing gender reassignment.

The School Context 

Wellington Primary is a larger than average sized primary school with a nursery that serves a culturally diverse community. The proportion of pupils from minority ethnic backgrounds is very high. The largest groups of pupils are those from Indian, Pakistani and Black African backgrounds. Many of these pupils are at the early stages of learning English. The proportion of pupils who are known to be eligible for free school meals is average. The percentage of pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities is above that found nationally, and predominantly they have moderate learning difficulties. The proportion of pupils who enter and leave the school at other than the normal times is higher than average. The school took on two extra Receptions bulge classes (Jan & Sept 2012). The school is currently being remodelled as a 4FE split site for September 2017. 

Equality – Aims and Values 

Wellington Primary School aims to provide equality and excellence for all and promote the highest possible standards of achievement, enjoyment and fulfilment. These aims are promoted through our school Values, specifically: 

Right Start- Bright Future 

We aim to prepare them for life in a diverse society where they are able to be involved in and celebrate all aspects of that society and are welcomed as part of it.

Our Approach to Promoting Equality

Our Equality policy provides a framework in which we can pursue our duties to eliminate unlawful discrimination and harassment, promote equality of opportunity and promote good relations and positive attitudes between people of diverse backgrounds. 

We will ensure that no pupils, staff, parents, carers or any other person through their contact with the school receives less favourable treatment on any grounds. This includes the protected characteristics identified within the Equality Act 2010 i.e. sex, race, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, pregnancy, those undergoing or those who have undergone gender reassignment and age (not pupils). We also choose to include ethnic or national origin, language, marital or civil partnership status, responsibility for children or other dependants, trade union or political activities, social class, where the person lives and spent convictions that are not related to safeguarding.

The principles of our policy apply to all members of the extended school community, pupils, staff, governors, parents and community members. 

A Cohesive Community

We will ensure that our pupils are part of their local community, using local resources and being known and accepted within that community. We also aim to include our various local communities in the life of the school (e.g. businesses, faith groups, ethnic or language groups, voluntary groups, wider family and friends). In order to help achieve a cohesive community our school aims to:

  • Promote understanding and engagement between communities
  • Encourage all children and families to feel part of the wider community
  • Tackle discrimination
  • Increase life opportunities for all
  • Ensure that learning, teaching and the curriculum explores and addresses issues of diversity
  • Ensure that the school is an inclusive environment for all

Roles and Responsibilities School governors are responsible for:

  • Making sure that the school complies with current equality legislation
  • Making sure that this policy and its procedures are followed 

The Headteacher is responsible for: 

  • Making sure that the policy is readily available and that the governors, staff and parents and carers know about it
  • Making sure that its procedures are followed
  • Producing regular information for staff and governors about the policy and how it is working
  • Providing training for them on the policy if necessary
  • Making sure that all staff know their responsibilities and receive training and support in carrying these out
  • Taking appropriate action in cases of harassment and discrimination 

All school staff members are responsible for:

  • Modelling good practice, dealing with discriminatory incidents and being able to recognise and tackle bias and stereotyping
  • Passing any concerns to the Headteacher, Leadership team or Governing Body as per the Whistleblowing Policy
  • Promoting equality and avoiding discrimination against anyone
  • Keeping up to date with the law on discrimination and taking training and learning opportunities 

Pupils are responsible for: 

  • Learning to treat other community members kindly and respectfully

Parents and carers are responsible for:

  • Supporting the school in the implementation of this policy

Visitors and Contractors are responsible for:

  • Behaving appropriately in our school in support of the Equality policy

Responsibility for overseeing equality practices in the school lies with the Headteacher and the member of the Governing Body linked to equality. These responsibilities include:

  • Coordinating and monitoring work on equality issues
  • Dealing with and monitoring reports of harassment (including racist and homophobic incidents)
  • Monitoring exclusions 

We have two specific targets in the School Development Plan (SDP) for the current 2016-17 academic year which specifically promotes equality within our school community: 

To continue to narrow the gaps for vulnerable groups especially SEND & all groups of Pupil Premium. 

To develop provision for the whole child, improving further our personal and social education. 

Monitoring, Reviewing and Assessing Impact 

The Equality page on the website will be regularly monitored and updated by the Headteacher as necessary.


See also:

Equality policy

Floorplan with marked access points

Accessibility plan with targets

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